Alkoholfri desinfektionsspray

Effektivare än alkohol och mycket bättre för kroppen


Alkogel togs ursprungligen fram för att desinfektera ytor inte för att använda på händer. 2011 skapade en svensk biokemist en helt ny hand- & skärmspray.

Minst 50 % mer miljövänlig framställning jämfört med alkogel men ändå mer effektiv mot olika virus. Denna bekämpar även norivirus som inte alkogel klarar.

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Kliniskt testad och bevisad effekt

Kliniska studier

Kliniska studier visar effekt mot både bakterier, virus (även samma virustyp som coronaviruset).

Undvik uttorkade händer

Ta vara på dina händer. Vår spray innehåller ingen alkohol som i onödan torkar ur dina händer

Ta hand om dina närmaste

Ge en spray till din parter, vän eller arbetskollega. En liten gåva som kan göra stor skillnad

Liten som ett visitkort

Räcker till 225 sprayningar och är kommer i visitkortsformat.
Används på händerna och andra ytor som exempelvis mobiltelefoner.

Tar bort bakterier, ger ett långvarigt skydd och håller händerna rena utan att torka ut huden. En mobiltelefon har i snitt minst 10 gånger mer bakterier än en toalettsits.

Med Vitamin B5, Aloe Vera och Biopolymer som är naturligt återfuktande.

Frågor och svar

Is the product in any way dangerous to use?

No. Our antibacterial and other products are environmentally friendly and completely safe to use.
Avoid spraying into eyes since it may cause minor irritation, but if it happens you can rinse it out with water.

Does the formula kill Corona Virus?
In our formula, we have an active ingredient that is effective against the same virus type as Corona (CoV-2).
Corona Virus is a so called “enveloped virus” and are normally easier to kill than so called “non-enveloped” viruses ie. Norovirus.
Main virus are either envelope or non-envelope virus. Our main active ingredient DDAC , with our percentage will most likely kill envelope virus, example like:
· Herpesviruses (e.g. Epstein-Barr virus, Herpes simplex, Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (causing Bovine Rhinotracheitis), suid herpesvirus 1 (causing pseudorabies=Aujeszky’s disease))
· Poxviruses (e.g. smallpox, vaccinia virus)
· Hepadnaviruses (e.g. Hepatitis B virus)
· Asfarviridae (e.g. African Swine fewer)
· Flavivirus (e.g. Hepatitis C, yellow fever virus, Zika virus, dengue virus)
· Alphavirus (e.g. eastern equine encephalitis virus)
· Togavirus (e.g. Alphavirus)
· Coronavirus (e.g. SARS virus, MERS virus, novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV – Wuhan coronavirus outbreak))
· Hepatitis D virus
· Orthomyxovirus (e.g. Influenca virus A (H1N1-swine flu, H3N2-Hong Kong flu, H9N2-avain influenza, H3N8, H5N1, H5N2…), Influenca virus B, Influenca virus C, Influenca virus D)
· Paramyxovirus (e.g. mumps virus, human parainfluenza virus, measles virus, canine distemper virus, rinderpest virus)
· Rhabdovirus (e.g. rabies virus)
· Bunyavirus (e.g. Hantavirus, California encephalitis virus, Congo hemorrharic fever virus)
· Filovirus (e.g. Ebola virus, Marburg virus)
· Retrovirus (e.g. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Mouse mammary tumor virus)
· Arteriviridae (e.g. Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus (PRRSV))
Beside this our formulation has also been proven to kill with our formula the non enveloped NORO virus.
Does the formula stop the spreading of Corona virus?
YES. According to WHO the most effective way to stop spreading the virus is keeping a high level of hand hygiene.
Hygiene of Swedens formula has not only shown efficacy against viruses and bacteria but according to clinical studies gives a “significant higher” cleansing effect when applied than soap and water.
We still recommend using soap and water but this is an outstanding complement to put in your pocket while travelling, dining, working and want to assure yourself about having clean hands.
Clean hands are the safest way to protect yourself. Water-based hand sanitizing is better for you and worse for the bacteria.
How do I use the antibacterial solution?
Push the foam from the bottle and rub it, especially on the fingertips. Let it air dry, your hands should not be washed with water after you applied the solution.
You may also use it on a screen. Apply foam or spray, make sure to cover the entire screen surface and wipe down with a piece of cloth. Don’t forget the backside of the phone or tablet if applicable.
Is it flammable?
No. Our antibacterial contains no alcohol.
What is the active ingredient?
We use multiple active ingredients in our antibacterial solution. We combine them with a plus-charged polymer to make the solution adhere to any surface and this gives the solution a long lasting effect. The combination is very effective in killing bacteria and viruses without the risk of getting resistant bacteria.
How do I know the antibacterial works?

Our product has undergone the most testing. Tests show that Bacteria Shield kills 99.999% of bacteria and viruses. Have
passed Europé standard EN 1500 and EN 13 697. Approved in Europe, FDA in Thailand, India and approved by hospital of Dubai.

What is the difference in killing 99,999% and 99%?
Short answer is that the product is much more effective. If a product is 99% effective. 1 out of every 100 bacteria survive. 99,999% means that 1 in 100000 bacteria survive – which is 1000 times more effective.
Having a product that only kills 99% can be dangerous if the remaining 1% is resistent. This 1% bacteria can very quickly create a resistant strain that is 100% immune to the active ingredient previously used to kill it.
Hygiene of Swedens antibacterial uses multiple active ingredients preventing resistance in bacteria.
I have hand rashes from rubber gloves. Is the product still safe?
Yes. Using the antibacterial can help your skin to heal.
Is it true hand sanitizers have to be over 62 % ethanol to be effective?
This is both true and false.
True; talking about alcohol based hand sanitisers that higher alcohol % the faster and more effective it is (but it also has more negative side effects like evaporating faster, more aggressive towards your skin etc, more CO2 expensive production).
Also the last years studies showing that bacteria gains resistance towards alcohol forced the alcohol based sanitisers to increase the % to avoid to create multi resistant bacteria (MRSA).
False; if your antibacterial formula contains 0% and has clinical documentation against both viruses and bacteria.

Våra kunder

“I am meeting a lot of people on a daily basis and we are shaking all our customers hands that are coming to our resort. What I love about your spray is the convenience of always having it with you.”

“I love your product since I am using my phone all day long communicating the the development team and also creating APPs for our customers. I do not have time to be sick.”

“Sprayen är så enkel att ha med sig och även för mig som har lättirriterad hud stör den inte att ha på. Har gett bort flera till alla jag känner.”

Undvik elaka bakterier – Beställ idag


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